Urban 101: Intro to Urban Dance

The first hurdle to becoming a skilled dancer is getting the motivation or courage to start.

Ethan Franciliso | Photo by Aaron Capinpin

Ethan Franciliso, a second year computer science major, has been dancing for 4 years. He has a background in Urban, as well as other styles like breaking (break-dancing), contemporary, hip-hop, jazz and ballet. His thoughts on dance after going this far is that, “It’s like a rock. It’s hard.”

Certainly Urban dance is not easy. The style requires a lot of body control and creativity that’s not found in sports or elsewhere. To some people, the skill cap may discourage them from ever trying to dance.

However, everyone has to start from somewhere and most of the times its from scratch.

Like the Steezy video says, the only difference between someone who doesn’t dance and a pro is that the latter started.

Urban dance, when broken down step-by-step, is manageable and easy to learn.

As an example, I’ll explain how to do “the woah,” a move that can be found in many choreographed sets from teams or groups.

The woah essentially has three steps. The first step is where you throw your right hand up, like you tossed something in the air. The second step is where you “catch” that object and bring your hand down in a crescent curving inwards. The final step, which brings the impact to the move, is where you shake your head as if it was vibrating from a bass speaker.

Just like that, you’ve taken your first step to becoming an Urban Dancer. For more info and tips to begin your dancing journey, I recommend checking this and that out.

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